Bottoms Up?

On the Fourth of July, Secoriea Turner was shot outside of the Wendy’s in Atlanta where the Rayshard Brooks killing occurred last month.

First off, perhaps that puts into a new prospective the police officer’s actions that night. Encountering a suspect in a Wendy’s parking lot doesn’t sound very dangerous, yet at the same time it happens to be a parking lot where young girls are shot at random because of the gun violence in that area. Maybe the police officers approached that scene more tense, more worried and nervous because of the danger just being in that area brings to the situation.
The other interesting note about the incident was on Monday when Atlanta Mayor Keisha Bottoms appeared on CNN to speak about the shooting. Most of what she said was uncontroversial; she avoided blaming the police and kinda sorta attempted to call out the members of the community who tolerate or engage in such criminal behavior against their neighbors. Of course, its hard to find any concrete statement of blame in her monologue, except for one….

“I don’t know the answers because I don’t know the questions to ask… We talk about systemic racism and the trauma and anxiety… It’s this convergence, this perfect storm, it’s where we are in this country. Think about the leadership -or lack thereof- coming from the highest office in the land.”

To be clear, Mayor Bottoms is attempting to lay at least some of the blame for an 8 year old girl getting shot while in a car with her mother on President Donald Trump. I wonder if Mayor Bottoms is aware of the shocking gun violence that occurred during President Obama’s time in office.
President Trump’s leadership has nothing to do with random acts of gun violence in a Wendy’s parking lot in Atlanta. Honestly, its hard to believe that the Mayor of the specific area has the audacity to attempt to point blame at someone else.

Crime in the large cities of this country is not a feature of who is President or how emotional he makes people, it is a direct result of the culture that exists in that space.
We talked earlier this week about Terry Crews trying to bring these issues to light during the BLM movement, only for him to be ignored or attacked. How can any community expect to move forward, to have less police interaction and safer spaces when behavior like this occurs and then is blamed on the Republican President? Mayor Bottoms skirted taking a strong stand on this the issue in her CNN appearance, wagging her finger at the criminals while fully shifting blame for their actions elsewhere.
Avoiding responsibly for their own community and putting the same minded Liberal Democrats in charge of every major city in the country has brought destruction, death and heartache to the urban communities. From George Floyd to the lead filled water in Flint, Liberal Democrats have been in charge of the “systematic oppression” for decades and still no one holds them accountable while they blame everyone else for the problems in their jurisdictions.

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